Here's a rainbow of mermaids to brighten your day!
The artist was my seven-year-old tutoring student, who moved back to Korea this summer. I miss this family, but I'm looking forward to working more regularly with the other clients this family introduced me to.
And here is a summertime Kid Quote:
Four-year-old: "When I was at the beach I found a turtle egg and it was a baby one and I picked it up and it was still in there and I carried it as carefully as I could and then it started to hatch."
Really? What happened then? Did you put him in the water?
Four-year-old: "No I put him in a pot of water with my fish."
Oh! What did you name him?
Four-year-old: "I named him Frances! I fed him peas. That's why I named him Frances. And I gave him some gummy bears and some jellybeans because he ate all his dinner."
That parade was Ahmaaaaaaazing! Thanks, I needed that!
I love mermaid parades.
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